Fear of Obsolescence: Driving Corporate Investment in Career Development & Mobility

In today's fast-paced tech landscape, the worry of job displacement due to automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is widespread among workers. According to a recent EY survey: 

  • 75% of employees fear AI might phase out certain jobs. 

  • Two-thirds worry about AI replacing their roles. 

This concern is steering attention towards acquiring new skills and training in technologies like Generative AI to adapt to changing work dynamics. Recognizing this shift, companies are ramping up investments in career development efforts to upskill their workforce. For example: 

  • PwC's significant $1 billion investment in AI training showcases the importance of preparing employees for the future. 

  • According to Deloitte, 84% of organizations view AI skills development as vital for future success. 

Additionally, besides technical training, companies are exploring internal talent marketplaces to promote career growth and mobility within their ranks. McKinsey research indicates that companies with effective internal mobility programs are 40% more likely to retain top talent. 

As organizations adapt to the changes brought by Generative AI and digital transformation, prioritizing career development and mobility is critical for staying competitive and retaining top talent. By addressing employee concerns through targeted training programs and internal mobility platforms, companies can: 

  • Improve workforce skills. 

  • Cultivate a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. 

Embracing these strategies will not only cushion the impact of technological disruptions but also position companies to thrive in an era where reskilling and upskilling are indispensable for staying relevant in the job market. In conclusion, the fear of job displacement is driving companies to boost investments in career development and mobility initiatives. By proactively addressing employee worries, offering customized training opportunities, and supporting internal mobility, organizations can empower their workforce to navigate technological shifts with confidence and resilience. 


  1. EY Survey on Employee Concerns About AI Impact 

  2. Internal Talent Marketplaces: A Solution for Career Growth 

  3. Deloitte Study on AI Skills Development 

  4. McKinsey Research on Internal Mobility Programs


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