Our eLearning and Instructional Design Services

At W&O, we provide tailored end-to-end eLearning and Instructional Design services to create customized online courses for organizations.

Whether you're at the beginning of your eLearning journey or need support at a specific stage, we offer a flexible, a la carte approach to meet your needs.

Are you facing challenges in your eLearning projects?

  • Determining the skills and knowledge employees need can be challenging. Without this clarity, organizations risk investing in ineffective training programs, wasting resources, and hindering performance.

    Willow & Oak Designs conducts comprehensive Learning Needs Analyses (LNA) to assess current competencies and identify skill gaps, ensuring training strategies are tailored to address your organization's specific needs.

  • HR and L&D teams often struggle with limited time and budgets, making it challenging to implement comprehensive training programs.

    Willow & Oak Designs can step in at any stage of your L&D projects, freeing up your team to focus on strategic tasks. Whether you need to outsource an urgent project or just a part of it, W&O is here to help.

  • Creating engaging and effective training programs is challenging. Low engagement and retention rates can undermine program effectiveness if employees don't see the value in training.

    Willow & Oak Designs can design customized training solutions. These include interactive elements, gamification, and personalized learning pathways to enhance engagement.

  • Employees have diverse learning preferences and styles, making it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all training program.

    Willow and Oak Designs can develop training programs that cater to various learning styles by incorporating a mix of content types, such as videos, written notes, and interactive activities. This ensures that all employees can engage with and benefit from the training

  • Maintaining consistency in training delivery across different locations and departments can be difficult, leading to variations in training quality and outcomes.

    We assist learning teams in developing standardized training materials and delivery methods to ensure consistency across your organization. Our consultants also offer train-the-trainer programs to equip internal trainers with the skills and knowledge needed for consistent delivery. By implementing best practices and monitoring training quality, we help you achieve uniformity in your L&D initiatives, regardless of location or department.

  • Quantifying the impact of training programs on business outcomes can be difficult, making it hard to justify the investment in L&D. Organizations need clear metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of their training initiatives.

    We help you define clear goals and outcomes for your training programs using SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Timely). Our consultants implement data-driven metrics and analytics to track progress and measure the success of your training initiatives. By providing detailed reports and insights, we enable you to demonstrate the value of your L&D investments and make informed decisions for future training strategies.

eLearning Steps

  • Discover the full potential of your organization with our Learning Needs Analysis service. At W&O, we specialize in pinpointing key learning gaps and opportunities that empower your teams to thrive in today's fast-paced business world.

    Our approach:

    • Understand your organization's learning environment.

    • Through surveys, interviews, and detailed data analysis, we uncover valuable insights into the skills and knowledge your teams need to succeed.

    • Provide strategic recommendations to align your learning initiatives with your business objectives.

    Partner with W&O for your Learning Needs Analysis to gain a clear roadmap for boosting your workforce's capabilities. Let us help you bridge gaps and seize opportunities that propel your organization forward.

  • Explore the power of our eLearning Development services at W&O. We specialize in creating and enhancing top-tier courses that engage and empower learners.

    Whether you're starting from scratch or refining existing content, our instructional designers and eLearning experts tailor solutions to meet your specific needs. We combine creativity with instructional design to develop engaging and effective eLearning experiences.

    At W&O, we are committed to exceeding your expectations. From multimedia-rich content to intuitive navigation, we ensure learners are actively engaged and motivated.

  • Whether you're transitioning from traditional training methods or enhancing your current eLearning platform, our experts ensure a smooth implementation process. We focus on integrating cutting-edge technologies and platforms to deliver engaging and effective learning experiences.

    At W&O, we prioritize user experience and engagement. Our team works closely with you to understand your requirements and customize solutions that align with your organizational goals.

    Our Implementation Services Include:

    • Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

    • Virtual Classroom Setup

    • Mobile Learning Solutions

    • Content Deployment

  • Our team conducts thorough evaluations to measure the impact of your eLearning courses. We utilize a variety of evaluation methods, including post-training assessments, participant feedback surveys, and performance metrics analysis. This data helps us identify strengths and areas for improvement in your training content and delivery.

    At W&O, we are committed to delivering actionable insights that enhance the effectiveness of your eLearning programs. We work closely with your team to implement continuous improvement strategies, ensuring your training initiatives evolve to meet the changing needs of your organization.

    Our Evaluation Services Include:

    • Post-training Assessments

    • Participant Feedback Surveys

    • Performance Metrics Analysis

    • Continuous Improvement Strategies

Some W&O Services


Transform your eLearning vision into reality with W&O's expert storyboarding services.

Our team crafts detailed storyboards that outline the flow, structure, and interactions of your eLearning modules, ensuring clarity and engagement.

We will create compelling and effective learning experiences that resonate with your audience.

Comprehensive eLearning courses

Experience engaging and effective learning with W&O's custom interactive eLearning courses.

We design interactive modules that promote active learning, featuring simulations, branching scenarios, and gamification elements tailored to your organization's needs.

W&O will create immersive learning experiences that enhance knowledge retention and engagement.

Rapid eLearning

Accelerate your training initiatives with our custom rapid eLearning course development services.

W&O can adopt an agile framework for rapid development to deliver impactful courses quickly, ensuring your organization stays agile and ahead of the curve in today's dynamic environment.


Transform your training approach with our Microlearning course development services.

We craft bite-sized, engaging learning experiences designed to deliver targeted knowledge quickly and effectively.

With our expertise, empower your learners with concise, focused content that drives retention and performance.

eLearning Course Review

Ensure the quality and effectiveness of your courses with our comprehensive course review services.

Our expert team conducts thorough evaluations to assess content accuracy, instructional design, and adherence to learning objectives.

We provide detailed feedback and recommendations to optimize your courses and ensure they meet the highest standards of educational excellence.

Interactivity & Gamification

Transform your eLearning courses into engaging experiences with our gamification and interactivity services.

We specialize in incorporating interactive elements, such as quizzes, simulations, and gamified challenges, to enhance learner engagement and knowledge retention.

We can support you to create dynamic and interactive eLearning courses that captivate your audience and drive learning outcomes

“Attention to detail, a polished, professional look and thorough communications made my experience with W&O memorable.

The quality of the products they delivered elevated our internal programs and is echoed throughout our user groups.”