Our Consulting Services

At W&O, we empower learning teams to succeed with our comprehensive Learning & Development consulting services.

Whether you require a full creation or revamp of your learning strategy, or targeted support, we customize our services to meet your specific needs.

Our consulting services can be provided on a project-based basis with a one-time fee or an hourly rate until completion.

Facing Learning and Development Challenges?

  • Determining the skills and knowledge employees need can be challenging. Without this clarity, organizations risk investing in ineffective training programs, wasting resources, and hindering performance.

    Willow & Oak Designs conducts comprehensive Learning Needs Analyses (LNA) to assess current competencies and identify skill gaps, ensuring training strategies are tailored to address your organization's specific needs.

  • Internal training teams may lack specialized skills for diverse learning solutions and may also have limited knowledge of emerging learning trends and technologies, hindering the development of innovative and effective training programs.

    Willow & Oak Designs brings diverse talent and experience in the latest trends and technologies, introducing internal teams to new methodologies, tools, and platforms. This ensures that internal training teams enhance their capability and expertise, enabling the organization’s training programs to remain cutting-edge and effective.

  • Maintaining consistency in training delivery across different locations and departments can be difficult, leading to variations in training quality and outcomes.

    We assist learning teams in developing standardized training materials and delivery methods to ensure consistency across your organization. Our consultants also offer train-the-trainer programs to equip internal trainers with the skills and knowledge needed for consistent delivery. By implementing best practices and monitoring training quality, we help you achieve uniformity in your L&D initiatives, regardless of location or department.

  • High-quality training programs can be costly, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations with limited budgets. Balancing the need for effective training with financial constraints is a common struggle.

    W&O can help you prioritize your training goals and work with you to optimize resource allocation, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.

  • Employees struggle to balance training with daily responsibilities, leading to resistance and low participation in L&D programs. Integrating learning into the flow of work is crucial for effective skill development.

    We can assist internal training teams in developing innovative solutions to seamlessly integrate learning into daily routines. W&O helps your teams cultivate a culture of learning and development within the organization, thereby enhancing employee engagement and skill development.

  • Quantifying the impact of training programs on business outcomes can be difficult, making it hard to justify the investment in L&D. Organizations need clear metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of their training initiatives.

    We help you define clear goals and outcomes for your training programs using SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Timely). Our consultants implement data-driven metrics and analytics to track progress and measure the success of your training initiatives. By providing detailed reports and insights, we enable you to demonstrate the value of your L&D investments and make informed decisions for future training strategies.

  • Creating engaging and effective training programs is challenging. Low engagement and retention rates can undermine program effectiveness if employees don't see the value in training.

    Willow & Oak Designs can transfer the eLearning knowledge needed by your learning teams to design customized programs. These include interactive elements, gamification, and personalized learning pathways to enhance engagement.

  • Employees may resist new training initiatives, especially if they perceive them as irrelevant or disruptive to their routine. Overcoming this resistance is crucial for the successful implementation of L&D programs.

    W&O consultants collaborate with your organization to communicate the benefits of training and align it with employees' career goals. We develop strategies to foster a culture that values continuous learning and development, integrating it into your organizational identity and minimizing resistance to change.

Organizational Learning Needs Assessment

Organizational Learning Needs Assessment

We conduct comprehensive learning needs assessments to identify organizational learning needs by utilizing surveys, interviews, and data analysis to uncover skills and knowledge gaps.

Learning and Training Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development

We design customized learning programs tailored to organizational needs, creating training materials, lesson plans, and interactive activities to facilitate effective learning.

Learning L&D Technology Integration

Learning Technology Integration

We advise on integrating learning technologies such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), virtual classrooms, and e-learning platforms. Additionally, we assist in selecting and implementing the right technology solutions for optimal impact.

Learning and development L&D Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis

We analyze performance data to pinpoint areas where employees may struggle and develop strategies to address these performance gaps through targeted training interventions.

Our offerings

Learning and Development L&D Competency Mapping

Competency Mapping

We map out the required competencies for various roles within the organization, assess employees against these competencies, and recommend targeted training to bridge any gaps.

Learning and development L&D Culture Assessment

Learning Culture Assessment

We evaluate the organizational culture's readiness for learning and development initiatives and offer strategies to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Training L&D Evaluation

Training Evaluation

We develop methods for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs, conduct post-training assessments, gather participant feedback, and measure changes in performance metrics.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

We provide coaching and development programs for leaders and managers, enhancing their skills to support employee learning and development.

Change Management

Change Management Support

We assist organizations in managing change initiatives that impact learning and development processes, helping employees adapt to new technologies, processes, or organizational structures through targeted training and support.

Learning L&D Pathway

Learning Pathway Design

We create clear learning pathways for employee career progression within the organization by defining the required skills and knowledge for each career path and designing supporting learning programs.

Learning Strategy Optimization

We review and optimize existing learning strategies to align them with organizational goals and ensure they effectively address current and future learning needs.

Learning L&D Culture Strategy

Learning Culture Strategy

We develop strategies to build and sustain a strong learning culture within organizations, encouraging continuous improvement and knowledge sharing across all levels.

Let’s empower your employees

Partner with W&O to enhance your organization's training and development initiatives.

Our customized consulting services guarantee that your learning needs are not only met but exceeded, equipping your teams with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving environment.

Learning and Development L&D consulting