
elearning Shauna Gebhart elearning Shauna Gebhart

The Role of Instructional Design in eLearning

Have you ever wondered what makes an online course engaging and effective? The secret sauce is often instructional design. Let’s dive into how instructional design is reshaping eLearning, making it more engaging, personalized, and successful. From understanding learner needs to crafting a compelling curriculum, instructional design is key to delivering top-notch online education.

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elearning Shauna Gebhart elearning Shauna Gebhart

The Essential Role of Course Customization in Corporate Learning and Development

In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the one-size-fits-all approach to learning and development (L&D) is becoming increasingly obsolete. Organizations are recognizing the critical need for course customization to align training with their unique business goals, culture, and employee needs. This tailored approach not only enhances the learning experience but also significantly impacts the organization's overall performance and competitiveness.

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elearning Shauna Gebhart elearning Shauna Gebhart

New Workplace Violence Prevention Regulations in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Organizations

In May 2023, Saskatchewan introduced significant amendments to The Saskatchewan Employment Act, ushering in a new era of workplace violence prevention. By May 17, 2024, all employers in Saskatchewan are mandated to have a comprehensive Workplace Violence Policy Statement and Prevention Plan (PSPP) in place. This legislative shift underscores the province's commitment to creating safer work environments and necessitates a proactive response from businesses across all sectors.

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elearning Shauna Gebhart elearning Shauna Gebhart

Strategies to Incorporate Peer Learning into E-Learning Programs: Enhancing Engagement and Effectiveness

In the digital age, e-learning has become a cornerstone of education and professional development. However, the challenge of keeping learners engaged and ensuring the effectiveness of online courses is ever-present. One powerful solution to these challenges is the integration of peer learning into e-learning programs. Peer learning leverages the collective knowledge and experience of learners to enhance educational outcomes and foster a more interactive and supportive learning environment…

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elearning Shauna Gebhart elearning Shauna Gebhart

Remote Work & eLearning: Adapting Training for Distributed Teams

The shift towards remote work has been one of the most significant transformations in the global workforce over the past few years. This change, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has necessitated a reevaluation of traditional workplace practices, particularly in the realm of training and development. As teams become increasingly distributed across different geographies, adapting training programs to meet the needs of remote workers has become a critical challenge for organizations worldwide.

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